《龙声华韵》——“钱塘江交响”音乐会 中国交响乐团2020-2021音乐季
2020年12月5日 星期六 19:30
关峡  交响音画《钱江潮》
叶小纲  交响素描《美丽乡村》
邵恩  钢琴协奏曲《钱塘随笔》
杨帆  《白马》——为大提琴、打击乐与乐队而作
王喆  交响随想曲《印》
黄凯然  《乡愁》——为小提琴与乐队而作
李劭晟  《之江梦》——为男高音、女高音与乐队而作
中国交响乐团是中华人民共和国文化和旅游部直属的国家艺术院团,在原中央乐团(1956 年成立)基础上组建而成,下设交响乐队和合唱团,运营管理北京音乐厅。
中国交响乐团还担负着重大国事及外交活动中的演出任务,如“美丽中国 光荣梦想”庆祝中华人民共和国成立65周年音乐会、纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年文艺晚会、“信念永恒”庆祝中国共产党成立95周年音乐会、二十国集团领导人第十一次杭州峰会文艺晚会“最忆是杭州”、金砖国家领导人厦门会晤“扬帆未来”文艺晚会、“博鳌亚洲论坛”、“APEC 峰会”、青岛“上合峰会”、“我们的四十年”庆祝改革开放40周年文艺晚会、庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年音乐舞蹈史诗《奋斗吧 中华儿女》等,精湛的技艺和出色的表现赢得广泛赞誉,树立了大国形象,讲好了中国故事。同时,作为文化使者,足迹遍及欧洲、亚洲、澳洲、北美洲等主要国家和地区。以音乐传递友谊,沟通彼此,为中外文化交流做出了积极的贡献。
China National Symphony Orchestra
The China National Symphony Orchestra (CNSO) was renamed and founded on the basis of the Central Philharmonic established in 1956. The orchestra is chartered and administered by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China with affiliations: the orchestra, the chorus. The Beijing Concert Hall is administrated by CNSO.
CNSO adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to the people-centred work perspective and to the principle of arts serving people. CNSO is active into communities and villages year after year and is nourished by the bustling life of ordinary people, creating numerous masterpieces in praise of Chinese Communist Party, the motherland, the people and heroes. CNSO also pay attention to the promotion of western classical repertoire.
As a national symphony orchestra, CNSO undertakes the major performances on significant nationaland diplomatic occasions such as "Beautiful China and Glorious Dream" Gala Concert in celebrating65th anniversary of the establishing of the People's Republic of China, performance in commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Victory of War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japan and the World Anti-Fascism War. "Eternal Faith" Performance in Celebrating 95th Anniversary of the Establishment of Chinese Communist Party, G20 2016 China "Enduring Memories of Hangzhou" Symphonic Concert, Performance for “BRICS 2017 China", "Boao Forum for Asia", "APEC Summit", "Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit" in Qingdao, “Our Forty Years” Performance in Celebrating 40th Anniversary of the Reform and Opening-up, 2019 Art Performance named “Stride Forward,the Nation” in celebration of the 70th founding anniversary of the People‘s Republic of China and etc. The outstanding techniques and performances of our musicians were acclaimed by the public and have won the honor for the country, demonstrating the image of great power and telling the Chinese story well. Meanwhile, as a cultural ambassador, the orchestra has toured in major countries and regions in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America. The orchestra carries friendship to the world and communicates with each other, making positive contributions to the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries.
The conductors of prestigious reputation of CNSO like Delun Li, Zhongjie Han, Liangkun Yan had made remarkable contribution for the orchestra's development. In the new millennium, renowned conductors such as Zuohuang Chen, Muhai Tang devote themselves to the improvement of artistry of the orchestra. China National Symphony Orchestra, which has numerous outstanding musicians, juxtaposes the performance of a vast selection of western classical masterpieces and the promotion of Chinese music. The well-known and beloved piano concerto “Yellow River Concerto” was jointly composed and premiered by China National Symphony Orchestra. In recent years, the orchestra has presented the "Charm of the Chinese Music" concert series, "Classics Appreciation" concert series, which are widely acclaimed by audiences domestically and internationally. The CNSO has collaborated with many world- leading artists including Herbert von Karajan, Eugene Ormandy, Seiji Ozawa, Gennadi Rozhestvendsky, Michel Plasson, well-known guest instrumentalists David Oistrakh, Yehudi Menuhin, Isaac Stern, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Siqing Lu, Yo-Yo Ma, Lang Lang, Yundi Li and etc.
The CNSO's Artistic Consultant is Zuqiang Wu; Chief Conductor is Xincao Li; Honorary Artistic Director is Tan Dun; Laureate Conductor is Muhai Tang; Guest Conductor is Xieyang Chen and Principal Guest Conductor is En Shao; Secretary of CPC Committee Junying Ma; Deputy Director Xincao Li; Deputy Director Baojiang Gong; Deputy Director Zhenqing Li.
Facing the New Era, China National Symphony Orchestra will stay true to our original aspiration, hold on to our founding mission, keep space with times, follows people-centred philosophy, serve the people with fine work, and guide the public with high moral standards, carry forward the socialist core values, uphold fairness with spirit of innovation, create more works caring about people’s lives, voices and emotion. Greet the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China with outstanding achievements. We will devote ourselves to secure in finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and delivering on the two centenary goals.